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Server-Side Tagging
Top 11 SEO Benefits Of Server-Side Tagging
Server-Side Tagging

Top 11 SEO Benefits Of Server-Side Tagging

4 min read
May 18, 2023

Out of the total websites in the world, more than 40% are built using WordPress. That’s a huge number for any CMS platform and hence, there is a great chance that your website is built using WordPress. Also, you probably use the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin for your website's contact us form.

So tracking of WordPress contact form 7 is extremely important.

We will show two ways to track WordPress contact form 7

  • Traditional Google tag manager way that would take a lot of time.
  • and Tagmate way! ( No Code set up and fast way) 😲
Key Takeaways
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  • sit cursusVel fermentum
  • posuere cras, diam est
  • nunc aliquet.

The sunsetting of third-party cookies and privacy-centric legislations around the globe indicate a landslide shift for both internet users and website owners. These changes are set to disrupt everything including the advertising technologies, the economics of the industry, and what advertisers and marketers can expect out of digital ad spend. 

Currently, server-side tagging is the only viable solution that helps stay compliant with privacy regulations and build trust with their audience. This is due to the fact that it balances the need for accurate user data while respecting privacy regulations and user preferences through a smart technical work around.

In this comprehensive article, we will go through the top eleven SEO benefits of server-side tagging and how it can transform your marketing efforts. Also, discover how implementing server-side tagging through Tagmate can significantly impact your website's performance and help you stay ahead in the competitive online landscape.

What is Server-Side Tagging and How Does It Work?

Before diving into the benefits of server-side tagging for SEO, let's start with a brief overview of the concept.

The Basics of Tagging

Tags are snippets of code that collect and send data from your website to various analytics and marketing platforms. Traditionally, tags have been implemented on the client-side, meaning they execute within the user's browser. While this method works, it can lead to some inefficiencies and drawbacks, which we will discuss later on.

The Shift to Server-Side Tagging

Server-side tagging moves the process of collecting and sending data from the user's browser to your server. When a user visits your website, a request is sent to your server to collect the necessary information. This information is then processed and forwarded to the appropriate analytics and marketing platforms.

The Benefits Of Server-Side Tagging for SEO

Server-side tracking offers numerous advantages to website owners and marketers, particularly for e-commerce companies and large websites. By understanding these benefits, you can make informed decisions about implementing server-side tagging to optimize your site's performance and improve your search engine rankings.

Let’s begin:

1. Site Speed Enhancement i.e. Improved Page Load Speeds

One of the most significant advantages of server-side tagging is its ability to improve site speed. When tags are executed on the client-side, they can slow down the rendering of your web pages as they compete for resources. By reducing the amount of code needed on the client-side, server-side tracking helps ensure faster load times. A better user experience resulting from quicker load times can, in turn, positively impact your SEO. For example, when users spend more time on your site because pages load quickly, search engines may recognize your site as a valuable resource and boost your rankings.

2. Reducing the Impact of Ad Blockers

As ad blockers become more prevalent, they can significantly impact the data collected through client-side tracking. Server-side tagging helps mitigate this issue by collecting data directly from the server, bypassing ad blockers and ensuring that you receive accurate information about user behavior. This is crucial for e-commerce companies to understand how users are interacting with their website and make informed decisions about marketing and product strategies.

3. Enhanced Data Accuracy

Data accuracy is crucial for identifying SEO opportunities and optimizing content. Since server-side tracking collects data directly from the server, it can provide more accurate information than client-side tracking. This improved accuracy is because server-side tracking is less affected by ad blockers or privacy settings that may block or limit tracking cookies and scripts. With more precise data, you can make better-informed decisions and fine-tune your SEO strategy to achieve better results.

4. Enhanced Data Privacy and Compliance

With increasing concerns about data privacy and the implementation of various privacy regulations worldwide, server-side tagging offers a more secure and compliant way to collect and process user data. By handling data on your server, you have greater control over the data collection process and can more easily adhere to privacy regulations. This builds trust with your users and can positively impact your search rankings, as search engines are known to favor websites with strong privacy practices.

5. Increased Security

An added benefit of server-side tagging is the extra layer of security it provides. By keeping sensitive data, such as user information and tracking data, on the server-side rather than on the client-side, server-side tracking protects your website from potential data breaches and ensures the privacy of your users. This security can contribute to your site's reputation and build trust among your audience, which can also indirectly benefit your SEO.

6. Increased Flexibility and Scalability

Server-side tagging allows for more efficient management of your tags, as they are centralized on your server rather than scattered across multiple web pages. This centralization makes it easier to add, modify, or remove tags as needed, giving you greater flexibility in your marketing and analytics efforts. Additionally, server-side tagging is more scalable, as it reduces the strain on your users' browsers, allowing for a smoother experience as your website and user base grow.

7. Efficient SEO-Focused Troubleshooting

Server-side tagging can be a valuable tool for identifying and resolving technical issues that may hinder your website's performance. It can detect server errors, page speed issues, and broken links, all of which can affect your site's search engine ranking. By addressing these issues proactively, you can maintain a high-performance website that ranks well in search engine results.

8. More Accurate Data Collection

Server-side tagging can lead to more accurate data collection for your analytics and marketing platforms. Since the tags are executed on the server rather than the user's browser, they are less susceptible to interference from ad blockers, browser privacy settings, or other third-party extensions that might otherwise block client-side tags. This results in more accurate data on user behavior, allowing you to make better-informed decisions for your SEO and marketing strategies.

9. Improved Cache Control

With server-side tagging, you have more control over the caching of your website's content. By implementing effective caching strategies on your server, you can ensure that your website loads faster for returning visitors. Fast-loading websites are favored by search engines, so this can have a positive impact on your search rankings. Additionally, improved caching can lead to a better user experience, which can further boost your SEO efforts.

10. Reduced JavaScript Dependencies

Server-side tagging reduces the reliance on JavaScript for tag execution. Since JavaScript can sometimes cause issues with page rendering or even crash a user's browser, decreasing the amount of JavaScript required can lead to a more stable and user-friendly browsing experience. This, in turn, can result in higher user engagement and lower bounce rates, which are important factors in search engine ranking algorithms.

11. Encouraging User Engagement

When users are informed about server-side tagging and its role in protecting their privacy and online safety, they may be more likely to engage with your website. This can lead to increased time spent on your site, more frequent visits, and higher conversion rates, all of which can contribute to improved SEO performance.

Key SEO-Specific Points To Be Considered When Implementing Server-Side Tagging

While server-side tagging offers numerous SEO benefits, it's essential to consider potential drawbacks. Poorly implemented tracking code could slow down your website's performance, negatively impacting SEO rankings. Additionally, server-side tracking may not capture certain types of data only available through client-side tracking, such as information about user clicks and mouse movements. Balancing server-side and client-side tracking can help you maximize the benefits while minimizing potential drawbacks.

Summing Up

Though server-side tagging doesn't directly influence SEO, its indirect benefits can significantly impact your website's performance and search engine rankings. By being transparent about your tracking methods, you can build trust with your audience and foster a positive relationship with your users. Informing users about server-side tagging demonstrates your commitment to transparency and helps build trust with your audience which can be a strong reason for your website users to continue returning to your website for purchases and consuming content resources.

By informing users about server-side tagging, you are also complying with various privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations require that users be informed about the data being collected, how it's used, and how it's stored. By providing this information, you can ensure that your website remains compliant with these regulations and avoids potential penalties.

Server-side tagging is complicated but it doesn’t need to be. Tagmate helps you implement and monitor your server-side tracking setup with no coding experience and at the fraction of the cost of getting it done by developers. 

Try Tagmate for free!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Viverra ut feugiat id ipsum morbi. A ipsum massa consequat ut urna vestibulum enim. Mauris id dignissim eu donec. Nibh urna eu nisl volutpat ut purus amet habitant fermentum.

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