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Super Guide To Setting Up Ecommerce Tags For Your BigCommerce Store Via GTM

Super Guide To Setting Up Ecommerce Tags For Your BigCommerce Store Via GTM

4 min read
April 20, 2023

Out of the total websites in the world, more than 40% are built using WordPress. That’s a huge number for any CMS platform and hence, there is a great chance that your website is built using WordPress. Also, you probably use the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin for your website's contact us form.

So tracking of WordPress contact form 7 is extremely important.

We will show two ways to track WordPress contact form 7

  • Traditional Google tag manager way that would take a lot of time.
  • and Tagmate way! ( No Code set up and fast way) 😲
Key Takeaways
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The ecommerce websites are known to be highly dependent on marketing analytics for both strategic and operational workflows but setting e-commerce tags is a major bottleneck for most web store owners. Poor analytics data leads to poor business decisions and for a business that solely relies on web interactions with its customers, stakes are always high.

Today, we'll be diving into the world of ecommerce tagging for your BigCommerce store. We'll walk through the process of setting up these tags using Google Tag Manager (GTM). 

Let’s get started:

Step-By-Step Process To Set Up Ecommerce Tracking Tags In BigCommerce Using Google Tag Manager

Follow the below steps to implement ecommerce tracking tags on your BigCommerce website in  a simple, quick way:

Step 1: Create A Google Tag Manager Account

First things first, you need a Google Tag Manager account. If you don't have one yet, head over to the GTM website ( and sign up using your Google account. After signing in, create a new account and container for your BigCommerce store.

Step 2: Install GTM On Your BigCommerce Store

Follow the below steps to set up GTM on your store:

  1. Log in to your BigCommerce admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Advanced Settings > Web Analytics.
  3. Check the Google Tag Manager box.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Input your GTM container ID in the field provided therein and click Save again.

Step 3: Enable BigCommerce's Native GTM Integration

To simplify the tagging process, BigCommerce has a native GTM integration that sends ecommerce data directly to GTM. Follow the below-mentioned steps to enable this feature:

  1. Go to Advanced Settings > Web Analytics in your BigCommerce Admin panel.
  2. Click the Google Tag Manager tab.
  3. Check the Enable Ecommerce box and click Save.

Step 4: Configure Ecommerce Tags In GTM

Now, let's set up the necessary ecommerce tags in GTM. In this guide, we'll focus on three essential tags: Google Analytics Pageview, Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce tag, and Google Ads Conversion Tracking.

  1. Set Up Google Analytics 4 Pageview Tag

  • In your GTM account, click Tags > New.
  • Type a suitable name for the tag.
  • Select Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration 
  • Enter your "G-" ID in the Measurement ID field visible on the screen.
  • Check the Send a page view event when this configuration loads option.

  1. Set Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce Tag

  • Click Tags > New in Google Tag Manager.
  • Navigate to Tag Configuration and select Google Analytics: GA4 Event.
  • Choose Google Analytics 4 as the tag type.
  • Enter a suitable name of the event in the Event Name field.
  • Add a row for each event-level parameter in Event Parameters.
  • Click the Save button and publish the container.

  1. Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking Tag

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account and navigate to Tools and Settings > Conversions.
  • Create a new conversion and choose the appropriate type (for example, click on website for tracking actions on your site).
  • Select a category and assign a unique, suitable name to your conversion.
  • Click Create and continue to proceed to the tag setup.
  • Opt for Use Google Tag Manager and copy the conversion ID and label.
  • Head over to Google Tag Manager and create a new tag type Google Ads Conversion Tracking. Input the conversion ID and label associated with the Google Ads conversion you previously created. Optionally, you may add a conversion value, order number, or a currency code.
  • Create an appropriate trigger or choose from an existing one to control when the conversion should be activated.

Step 5: Test and Publish Your Tags

Before making your ecommerce tags live on your BigCommerce website, it's crucial to test them thoroughly. GTM's "Preview" mode allows you to check if your tags are firing correctly on your website.

  1. Click Preview in your GTM account.
  2. Open your BigCommerce store in a new browser window.
  3. Use the GTM debug panel to verify if your tags are firing as intended.
  4. Once you're satisfied with the results, exit Preview mode

Wrap Up

I hope that this article helps you understand the process of setting up ecommerce tags for BigCommerce-powered websites. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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