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All-In-One Guide To Privacy Compliant Tag Management

All-In-One Guide To Privacy Compliant Tag Management

4 min read
September 18, 2023

Out of the total websites in the world, more than 40% are built using WordPress. That’s a huge number for any CMS platform and hence, there is a great chance that your website is built using WordPress. Also, you probably use the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin for your website's contact us form.

So tracking of WordPress contact form 7 is extremely important.

We will show two ways to track WordPress contact form 7

  • Traditional Google tag manager way that would take a lot of time.
  • and Tagmate way! ( No Code set up and fast way) 😲
Key Takeaways
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Privacy regulation compliances are becoming the number one concern of all data-driven firms in today’s age. The era of fast and loose data collection has been replaced with a new dawn, one where respect for user privacy takes the driver's seat.

Since 28 January 2022, European Data Protection Authorities levied a staggering €1.64bn in GDPR-related fines. If that didn't make your head spin, consider this – a colossal 10 billion Euro class-action lawsuit was launched against Oracle and Salesforce! The wildfire news of these fines and growing public cognizance of organizational data collection practices have spurred companies globally to sit up and focus on privacy-centric operations.

But let's face it. It's a jungle out there. Tags, cookies, data collection, data transfer, user consent – these terms can seem like they're written in Greek, and what's more, their definitions often vary from one law to another, from one country to another. So, how do we navigate this labyrinth?

Instead of getting lost in the legalese, let's bring it down to basics and address the issue from a practical standpoint. By focusing on the main global privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA, ePrivacy), we can distill the requirements into some universal core principles. These principles are not just crucial for compliance but also add immense value for marketing, analytics, and media professionals.

Lets see how we can make the internet a safer, more respectful place for users, without letting the regulatory speed-bumps slow us down.

In this article, I will share in-depth insights which will serve as an evergreen repository for answering all your questions on compliant tag management.

Here we go:

Understanding Core Principles

We've taken the first step, dipping our toes into the expansive pool of privacy regulations. Now, let's take a deep dive into the core principles that keep the waters of compliance clear and navigable.

Privacy by Design

You've heard the phrase, "Put yourself in their shoes," right? That's precisely what Privacy by Design asks us to do - view our business operations from the perspective of the user's privacy rights. This principle, my friends, is the bedrock upon which all other facets of privacy regulations stand.

Imagine yourself at the helm of a ship, charting a course through the turbulent seas of data architecture and initiatives involving user information. What should be your guiding star? The privacy interests of your users, of course! Now, this isn't just about ticking off compliance boxes. It's about understanding the spirit and intent of the relevant laws and regulations in the regions where you do business.

Ask yourself - if your users knew the ins and outs of the information collected about them, its usage, and the results, would they give a nod of approval? Keep this question in mind as you strategize your analytics and marketing activities.

Transparency and Disclosure

Information is power, and users have a right to this power when it comes to their data. Transparency and Disclosure stand as watchtowers, ensuring users are aware of your data collection practices. Users should be notified at the point of collection and should have access to a readily available privacy notice.

Now, to ensure your organization is a paragon of transparency, you will need to:

  • Identify the relevant privacy regulations based on your users' locations
  • Determine these regulations' requirements
  • Audit your data collection landscape to document all data collection and processing activities
  • Put the transparency and disclosure notices live

Access Rights

Users are not just passive spectators in this drama; they have the right to access the personal information that you have about them. CCPA, GDPR, and other regulations may differ in specifics, but the heart of the matter remains the same.

As an organization, this means having your ducks in a row about where the personal information collected from users is stored. Moreover, you should be able to access and provide this information to the users upon request. Trust me, it's worth the effort.

Refusal and Objection to Processing

Last on our tour of core principles, but by no means the least, we have the labyrinth of Refusal and Objection to Processing. This principle brings in a lot of head-scratching, primarily because the limitations on processing can differ substantially from law to law.

But worry not, we'll get into the thick of it in future discussions. For now, take away this: you need to understand the nature of protected information, the platforms collecting this data, technical mechanisms for recording user choice, and ensuring that processing limitations indicated by the user are actually respected.

Exploring New Strategies and Tools for Compliance

Having anchored ourselves in the core principles of privacy regulations, it's time we set sail towards exploring new strategies and tools that can strengthen our compliance efforts.

Leveraging Technology for Privacy Compliance

As we stand on the frontier of digital privacy, it's only fitting that we look to technology for solutions. A Tag Management System (TMS) can help you monitor your tags, ensuring that they're collecting and handling user data responsibly.

But remember, folks, not all tag management systems are created equal. Choosing a TMS that aligns with your privacy objectives and has the capability to handle the complexity of your data architecture is vital.

Privacy-Centric Marketing Strategies

We, marketers, love our data, don't we? But in a world of heightened privacy consciousness, it's essential to adopt marketing strategies that respect user privacy. One such strategy is privacy-centric personalization. This approach is about balancing the scales between delivering personalized content and respecting user privacy.

Sure, it's a tightrope walk, but with careful planning, transparent practices, and user consent at the forefront, it's a challenge we can confidently embrace.

Training and Education

While tools and strategies are essential components of our privacy compliance arsenal, let's not forget the human element. Yes, my friends, I'm talking about training and education. It's crucial that everyone in your organization, especially those working directly with user data, understand privacy regulations and the importance of compliance.

As the saying goes, "knowledge is power", invest in regular training sessions to empower your team with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the privacy landscape effectively.

Engaging Legal Advice

And lastly, while we may be adept at deciphering marketing analytics, the nuances of privacy laws may be beyond our expertise. That's where legal advice comes in. Engaging legal counsel specialized in data privacy can ensure your organization stays on the right side of the law.

And there we have it, folks! The strategies and tools that will serve as our compass and rudder in this exciting voyage towards a privacy-compliant future. Remember, privacy compliance isn't a daunting beast. It's a challenge, yes, but armed with the right knowledge, tools, and approach, it's a challenge we're well-equipped to meet head-on.

Case Studies: Success Stories in Compliant Tag Management

Brace yourselves, data explorers! Now we're diving into the fascinating depths of practical applications. We'll explore some real-life examples, unraveling the knots of compliance mysteries, and illuminating the path for your own journey towards compliant tag management.

Case Study 1: The eCommerce Giant

Our first tale takes us to the bustling world of a multinational eCommerce corporation. Faced with the daunting task of ensuring compliance across different regions, the company turned to an advanced Tag Management System (TMS). Their TMS of choice allowed them to better use Tagmate to monitor data collection across multiple platforms, offering a bird's-eye view of their data landscape.

Moreover, the TMS allowed them to execute privacy by design, ensuring that user privacy was not an afterthought but embedded right from the start. With their newfound capability to provide clear transparency, uphold access rights, and respect user choices, the eCommerce corporation successfully navigated the choppy seas of privacy regulations.

Case Study 2: The Media Powerhouse

Next, we venture into the domain of a renowned media organization. With the growing complexity of their data architecture and the multitude of third-party platforms, the organization found themselves in a maze of compliance challenges.

They implemented Tagmate and privacy-centric marketing strategies. They focused not just on data collection but also on how the data was being used. By prioritizing user consent and personalizing their content in a privacy-respecting manner, they struck a balance between marketing objectives and user privacy rights.

This media powerhouse now stands as a testament to how privacy regulations can be incorporated into business operations without losing sight of the ultimate goal – delivering value to the user.

Case Study 3: The Tech Startup

Finally, let's turn our gaze towards our recent user, a tech startup that puts education and training at the forefront of their compliance efforts. Recognizing the value of knowledge, they invested in regular training sessions, ensuring their team was well-versed with privacy laws and regulations.

Alongside this, they sought legal counsel to guide them through the intricacies of compliance. Their team, armed with knowledge and Tagmate, was able to construct a data architecture that respected user privacy and still met their business objectives.

And there we have it, fellow data enthusiasts! Three different organizations, three different paths to compliance, and a shared destination of respecting user privacy. These case studies serve to show that no matter the nature or size of your business, the journey to compliance is not just a possibility, but a reality we can all strive towards.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

We're on the last leg of our tag management adventure, navigating through the treacherous territory of common pitfalls and learning how to sidestep them with grace.

Pitfall 1: Ignoring the Importance of Privacy by Design

Many organizations, unfortunately, view privacy by design as a box to check off rather than a guiding principle. This mindset can lead to non-compliant practices, leaving businesses open to potential fines and reputational damage.

Avoid this pitfall by putting privacy at the core of your data practices. As we've discussed, ask yourself: "If the user fully understood all the information collected about them, how it is used, and the result – would they support the practice without hesitation?" Embed this consideration into all strategic planning.

Pitfall 2: Overlooking the Necessity of Transparency and Disclosure

Let's be honest, no one likes a hidden agenda – least of all, your users. Yet, some businesses fail to disclose their data collection and processing activities adequately, undermining user trust and falling afoul of privacy laws.

Sidestep this trap by adopting a policy of full disclosure. Keep users informed about your practices and make your privacy notices readily accessible. Remember, transparency isn't just good ethics; it's good business.

Pitfall 3: Underestimating Access Rights

Access rights can be a thorny issue, particularly with data often scattered across multiple third-party platforms. Some businesses underestimate this challenge, leading to non-compliance and frustrated users.

Steer clear of this pitfall by implementing systems that allow you to map the flow of personal data and retrieve it upon request. This ability to provide users access to their personal information isn't just a legal requirement; it's an essential component of respectful data handling.

Pitfall 4: Neglecting the Right to Refusal and Objection to Processing

The nuances of refusal and objection to processing can be tricky to navigate. Still, neglecting these rights can lead to major legal repercussions and damage to customer relationships.

The solution? Make sure you understand the specific regulations regarding refusal and objection to processing in all regions where you operate. Offer clear options for users to express their choices and ensure these choices are respected.

Remember, avoiding these pitfalls is key to achieving compliant tag management. But more than that, it's about upholding the trust and respect of your users, which is priceless in today's data-driven world. 

We've examined the core principles of compliant tag management, delved into the nitty-gritty of specific laws, and even sidestepped common pitfalls. Now, it's time for us to pack up and contemplate our next steps.


Let's look back at our journey. We've discovered the foundational principle of privacy by design, urging us to prioritize users' privacy interests above all. We've discussed transparency and disclosure, urging us to communicate openly about our data practices.

From there, we ventured into the realm of access rights, recognizing the need for users to have access to their personal information upon request. Lastly, we navigated through the tricky terrain of refusal and objection to processing, emphasizing the importance of respecting user choices.

Beyond these, we also touched upon the importance of a well-documented data collection procedure and a continuous auditing process, ensuring our practices remain in tune with the ever-changing legal outlook.

Next Steps

Moving forward, I encourage you to apply these principles in your respective organizations. 

Invest time in understanding the regulations that apply to your operations. Conduct comprehensive audits of your data practices. Establish clear procedures for user consent and disclosure. And, above all, make privacy a core component of your business strategy.

Final Words

Remember, tag management isn't a static process but an ongoing commitment. And at the heart of it all, it's about honoring the trust users place in us when they share their data. It's not just about regulatory compliance; it's about taking a stand for what's right.

Want to supercharge your compliance efforts and automate them?

Tagmate’s state-of-the-art web tagging automation helps you meet the privacy compliance requirements and win trust of your customers at a fraction of the price you may pay to a consultancy firm or a marketing agency. With 40+ ready-to-use templates and automated server-side tagging, Tagmate helps you eliminate any room for error while saving big on marketing expenses.

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